GrowKids Education located in North Burnaby, Canada. It located at the corner of Hastings Street & Esmond Avenue.
GrowKids Eduation offers an ONE STOP After School Learning Center. We provide educational programs to the kids. Each day after school, we provide different programs which covered: Drawing and Painting, English Reading/Writing , Martial Arts, Madarin 中文课 and Lego Robotics programs.
Our programs stimulate and cultivate kids various interests and help parents save the most time, energy and money!
All the programs have experienced licensed teacher.
Please check our website under :Registration and Service" for our daily class schedule.
GrowKids Education provide morning service and after school pick up (Brentwood Park Elementary, Gilmore Elementary, Kitchner Elementary and St. Helen Elementary). The starting hours from 7:30am - 6:00pm.
GrowKids Education provide spring break, summer camp, winter break, Pro D day and early dismissal pick up.
Please check our center news: company blog for more programs information and local teacher educational sharing.
GrowKids Education 是提供一站式课后学习班的教育中心。每天下午都提供不同的课程。具体课程安排在Registeration and Service栏目里。
GrowKids Education 宗旨是激发培养小孩的各种兴趣,最大程度帮助家长节省大量时间精力和金钱。
Please follow our facebook page: www.facebook.com/growkidseducation for more activities.
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